The Nica Report!

The on-line journal of journey to Nicaragua and back — May 2004


2004 - Knitti-Who?

You may have noticed in my masthead the byline, "Knitti-me's on-line journal of her journey to Nicaragua and back — May 2004." So who or what is knitti-me?

Knitti-me is my alter-ego; knitting and me. Some people look at me askance when I share with them my advid interest (dare I say obsession) with knitting. Others understand my fascination with fiber arts and crafts. (Hi to all my fiber-obsessed knit blogging buddies out there!)

I have a passion for hand-dyed yarns that come in a variety of textures and fibers. I love the way the colors play with and against one another as they are woven into unique fabrics. I have often mused while knitting away with a gorgeous variegated yarn, “Who would have thought that mustard yellow and fuschia would go together, but it works!”

One can look in nature and see a multitude of colorful and textural combinations that God put together for our pleasure. Imagine a sunset or a field of wild flowers. Many of the fiber artists I correspond with take their inspiration straight from nature, giving their hand-dyed yarns names such as Flame Lilly, Baja, Yukon, Peppers, Frosted Crocus, and even Seaweed.

As I knit I often reflect on how each yarn could represent a person’s life with the variances of texture, color and hue giving witness to that person’s life experiences. Each yarn is different, each yarn is unique—just like we are. But when our lives are woven together, it forms a beautiful tapestry.

For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Ephesians 2:10


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